Digital Design
Digital Design Experience
Digital design encompasses any form of branding that you can see on a screen – includes social media, websites, games, apps, and so on.
I have extensive website design experience, having built a large number of websites that are also optimised for SEO. Included in this is the creation of wireframes and accessibilty testing.
I also create and manage all the social media marketing for my current employer. With this poisition I am given a lot of freedom to experiment with what works for user engagement on our platforms.
Adobe XD
I use Adobe XD to create sample store portals for new clients to use in proposals. I also use Adobe XD to experiment with different layout options for web pages.
WordPress is the main platform I used to create my websites. I find it has enough flexibility with themes and plugins to create websites that are both visually appealing and accessible for users.
Elegant Themes
The main theme I use with WordPress is Divi due to its ability to let me create and edit webpages on the front end. Most my major websites use this theme.
Adobe After Effects
I use After Effects to create short videos to post to social media. I have recently been focusing on improving my animation techniques to create more interesting content for our followers.
Be it websites, games or social media, I am always on the hunt for the next challange in digital design.